Caleb (age 9): "I really like our new dentist."
Me: "Why?"
Caleb: "Because he acknowledged the fact that I am very handsome."
Me: "When he told you that you're handsome, how did you respond?"
Caleb: "I said, 'Thank you. So what are you gonna do to me???' I kind of knew he was just saying that to help me relax, which didn't really work. But he is definitely right about me being handsome."
My poor Caleb has had teeth issues since they started coming in, and has been through some pretty rough dental visits... He's one tough cookie!
I am not a tough cookie when it comes to dentists. Searching on Google Images for a funny dentist cartoon for this post and looking at all those open mouths with various instruments of torture being inserted into them broke me into a cold sweat. Speaking of dentists, I will be going on Thursday. Oh Jesus. I don't think anybody telling me how good-looking I am will help at this point. Ativan, please. I mean, pray for me please. Or both.