Sunday, July 15, 2012

Waiting for Perfection

I feel God-nudges in my soul.  He has been whispering.

You've got something to share with the world.

But God, don't You mean once my issues and struggles are dealt with and done?  Don't I have to be perfect first?  Or at least a little less messed-up?

No.  I use messed-up people.  I even used a donkey.

But I sit.  On hold.  Waiting for that "big moment" of healing, deliverance and freedom.  I sit in the shadow and let life pass me by.  I do not feel worthy to do anything or even to pray because I am keenly aware of my own demons that need to be conquered before I reach out to others.

But He speaks to me relentlessly...

No, Honey... I use messed-up people.  Let Me use you.