Friday, July 09, 2010


1.  Make homemade granola with only the world's healthiest ingredients.  Proudly slave over a hot oven for hours, because your family is worth feeding well.

2.  Somehow emotionally attach yourself to this granola.  As in, "If they don't like it I will be devastated."

3.  They don't like it.  Well, its not really the flavour, apparently.  It's that the sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds and WHATEVER else in there is hard to chew.  But I think that's a really dumb excuse, because its worth your health.  No pain, no gain.

4.  Inform family that I will not buy any cinnamon Kashi cereal (everybody's favorite) until they eat the granola. 

(Fast forward a week...)

5.  Ignore Hubby when he says that he will not be eating it because it is too hard to chew.  Tell him that he must be a good example for his children and that we need to do our best to eat healthy.  Not only that, he should not hurt his wife's feelings. 

6.  Hand Hubby a bowl of granola with milk.  Ignore his dirty looks and walk away with a look of victory.  (Doesn't he know I will be devastated if he doesn't eat it after all that tender loving care I put into making it?!?)

7.  Experience incredulous indignation when he says, "This stuff just broke my tooth."  (Yeah right... Nice try... You ARE eating that granola.)

8.  Look at Hubby's hand, which is holding a good portion of one of his molars, in itty bitty pieces.

9.  Run for my life!!!!  Or apologize for trying to manipulate him into "liking" something just so I can feel "good" about "doing my best for my family".  I chose the latter. 

***sigh***    I wish I could say this is fiction.  But no, it happened on Tuesday.


Andi said...

Thanks for the comment!

I just went to the store yesterday, and as I was reading labels (my 8 &9 yr old girls even read labels, I was contemplating homemade granola, would it be cheaper, etc...

Are we living in parallel universes in different countries?

Stephanie said...

Hahaha! Laundry dilemmas and granola contemplations at the same time? The only explanation is that we must be living parallel lives. Thanks for dropping by!

Sistergirl said...

Just in your blog neighborhood.
Your granola looks great, I'm sure the more you do it the better you will get.

Stephanie said...

Thanks for stopping in and for the consolation!