Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Snowblower

A snowblower is an amazing machine. As you push it, it gobbles up all of the snow in its path and spews it out to the side. You never have to worry about that snow again. Why? Because now it is in your neighbour’s driveway!

I have heard rumours of snowblower wars. It happens when the neighbour gets home after a clear, sunny day and sees twice as much snow in his yard as when he left for work in the morning. So, he gets his snowblower out and gets to work pumping it all back into the yard next door. The battle has begun. From there, it escalates. Not only is the driveway snow being spat back and forth. No. In order to maximize vengeance, shoveling snow from the front lawn into the path of the snowblower works wonders. And it is worth the effort.

Sometimes when we speak, we “dump” on each other. We yell at our spouses. We get grumpy with our neighbours. We complain to our boss. We snap at our kids. This results in those around us becoming out of sorts as well and we start getting back what we’ve been handing out… sometimes more than we gave!

Next time you feel like you need to “release” don’t blow it into the neighbour’s yard. There is a better way of handling it. God is always listening and available to hear your cries. He knows your frustrations, your hang-ups and your needs even better than you do. He will never retaliate or yell back. He will, however, gently correct and guide you. He will lead you to the truth. He will comfort you. Tell Him everything, then open your Bible and let the Lord speak to you.

God’s “snow removal service” is much more effective than just shoving around all that excess stuff that keeps blowing around. Let Him “clean off your driveway”. He does a great job! He is even willing to clean your neighbour’s yard so you don’t end up with a yard full of their snow again. Once you take care of your own driveway, pray for those around you too!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment! I appreciate you sharing!
God Bless!