Monday, October 20, 2008

He is Bigger!

Every Sunday morning when I was young, I was jolted awake by a pounding beat and screaming guitar. Well, maybe twanging guitar is a better description. It was my Dad listening to his Southern Gospel music, which truly drove me nuts. I could never figure out why he would not even let my sister and I turn up our little Ghetto Blasters during civilized hours, whereas he could crank up the big sound system with four gigantic speakers at 7:00 a.m.


And what really got to me is that, fully against my will, my toes would start tapping. First they would start to twitch. I would tell them, “Listen, toes, I can't stand this music and it just woke me up out of a wonderful, sound sleep.” But soon they were tapping to the rhythm and my head would start bobbing. This was really a problem because I am of Mennonite descent. Dancing was strictly prohibited and I was worried that this could be classified as dancing in some people’s books.

All these years, I have kept this secret well-hidden. No, not the "dancing"... My enjoyment of Southern Gospel music! Dad, despite my incessant complaining about your music, it is time to tell you that I am a Closet-Quartet-Liker. There. It’s out there. Ahhh… It feels good to just say it.

There is one song that I clearly recall and lately I have been tapping my toes to its rhythm that still reverberates through my head. It goes like this:

“Bigger than all my problems, Bigger than all my fears
God is bigger than any mountain that I can or cannot see
Bigger than all my questions, Bigger than anything
My God is bigger than any mountain that I can or cannot see

Bigger than all the shadows that fall across my back
God is bigger than any mountain that I can or cannot see
Bigger than all confusion, Bigger than anything
My God is bigger than any mountain that I can or cannot see

Bigger than all the giants, fear and unbelief
God is bigger than any mountain that I can or cannot see
Bigger than all my hangups, Bigger than anything
My God is bigger than any mountain that I can or cannot see”


Roo said...

you have mennonite back ground? so do i? my moms side. :) xo

Roo said...

that should read, "so do i !"

Stephanie said...

Hi Ruth! My Mennonite background is on my Dad's side.

Roo said...

stephanie -- i got your comment on my blog about "the office". I KNOW!! so glad to hear someone else has never heard of it. :) i'm pretty sure its a show. a pretty popular one. :) xox i so don't mind being out of the loop with stuff like that.

Carol said...

Oh, girl! I LOVE southern gospel. But then again I am a good old southern gal. Too funny. And you brought back memories referring to ghetto blasters! Woo-hoo!